January 4, 2014

【Mouson】Moisturizing Cream

這是【Mouson】Moisturizing Cream 並非新品牌, 亦並不是新產品。
【Mouson】早於第一次世界大戰後已經在德國流行, 現在是由德國品牌 Garnier 代理的保養品, 價錢非常平民, 才幾歐元有就買到, 其超強保濕而不油膩, 是冬日必備之選。

質感軟軟的, 容易推開, 極快吸收, 即時保濕, 滋潤繃緊乾燥的臉, 不油膩, 味道有點像小時候媽媽用的面霜, 有淡淡清香。

適合膚質 : 所有膚質及非常乾燥皮膚
容量 : 75ml
產地 : 德國

January 3, 2014

襪子娃娃 - 愛美的長耳兔

襪子娃娃 - 愛美的長耳兔

長耳兔是用粉藍色底白色波點的兒童襪所造, 頭花則用了修邊剪下來的部份做的, 癈物利用嘛, 特別用了粉藍色線去做表情以配合整體顏色。
怎樣, 效果不錯吧~


戴上藍色珠鍊, 美嗎?

January 2, 2014

懶人必煮 Lazy Cook - 毫無難度, 十秒開生蠔

懶人必煮 Lazy Cook - 毫無難度, 十秒開生蠔


香港人聖誕節會去食自助餐, 以前叫"食聖誕大餐", 農曆新年會有各式各樣的賀年食品, 如發財好市 (髮菜, 蠔鼓) 和大吉大利 (豬脷)。而法國人慶祝新年則會吃"生蠔"及各種蝦蟹等海鮮, 美食佳餚加紅白酒香檳等放滿一桌, 盛況絶不遜亞洲人過農曆新年。
住在法國的我, 當然入鄉隨俗, 過年也跟著吃生蠔。(為自己找藉口吃生蠔)

其實從聖誕開始, 法國當地各大超市就已經開始賣生蠔了。這與我們所說的 "秋風起三蛇肥" 同樣意思, 臨近冬天, 生蠔會開始儲備大量營養過冬, 所以入冬後生蠔的肉質才會特別肥美。

在法國一般超市都可以買到新鮮生蠔 (是還活著的), 為保持新鮮及衛生, 超市的魚販是不會幫顧客開生蠔的, 所以要能買回家 DIY。

2kgs生蠔, 約有25-28隻, 視乎品種而定, 每盒約20-30歐 

這盒2kgs生蠔有26隻, 才15歐

一般德國人對海鮮都不太感興趣, 因為住內陸的關係吧, 吃不到新鮮海鮮, 都吃冰先的。
我家的韋大爺當然也不例外, 因為他不喜歡吃生蠔, 所以根本對開生蠔沒有認識。而我呢, 因為在巴塞隆納旅行時見過開蠔師傅怎樣開蠔, 所以略懂一二。
韋大爺很細心的為我開蠔, 可惜, 因為他根本不會開, 只用蠻力, 開了6隻, 隻隻都開爛殼, 殼碎很難挑出來, 逼使我食的時候把蠔殼碎也免強吞下去。 

其實找到了竅門, 根本不用使勁, 不到十分功夫就能開一隻生蠔, 而且沒有殼碎啊~

見有開蠔專用的夾子便買來試試, 但效果不如理想, 可能因人而異, 我感覺用毛巾墊著比較就手。


將蠔刀傾斜對著生蠔較尖的一方插下去, 稍微用下往下插直到感覺到有較軟的像是韌帶的東西, 這個時候可以順時針方向輕輕轉動手腕, 把蠔刀往自己的方向往上撬, 卡一聲, 生蠔殼基本上已經打開了, 但兩片蠔殼仍緊緊的連在一起所以無分掀開。把蠔刀沿著隙縫插入, 貼著上蠔殼往內橫掃幾下, 切開連著兩片蠔殼的肉 (像元貝的東西), 便能輕易地蠔殼。下蠔殼同樣連著這塊內, 所以開蠔的時候順便切幾下。要不然就吃的時候再切開。

生蠔的底部或尖或圓無法站穩, 把上蠔殼放在碟上, 光滑的一面朝天墊在生蠔下, 這樣生蠔就能穩站碟上不倒, 蠔肉才能繼續浸在原汁原味的海水裡, 吃起來特別有海(風)味。

非常新鮮, 連帶海澡都十分鮮綠

啖啖海水味的生蠔, 不用加檸檬汁也不覺得有腥味, 鮮甜, 順口。

自己動手開生蠔切記, 千萬不要用蠻力撬開蠔殼, 蠔殼看以石頭般堅硬, 但其實蠔殼的邊沿是十分脆弱的, 蠻力只會令脆弱的邊沿粉碎, 吃的時候滿口蠔殼碎。

開蠔殼一點不難, 要的只是技巧, 開到差不多第3、4隻的時候就會開始得心應手了。

今期懶人必煮 Lazy Cook 好像與煮接不上軌, 因為根本連加熱也不用。只不過, 不用煮就已經符合了懶人必煮的理論, 而且, 一次過食二十幾隻生蠔其實都很飽肚。

後記 : 因為我家韋大爺不吃生蠔, 所以用法國生蠔煎了蠔餅給他吃。


就地取材, 簡單地用生蠔、麵粉和雞蛋就能煎出美味的蠔餅

January 1, 2014

我在學德文 3 - W-Fragen Wörter (was/wo/wie/wer/wann/warum/welch)

常用問語 Common Question Words of German :

在德文中, 一般問語(Fragen Wörtert)的開首字母為 "W"

1)     Was = what
2)     Wo = where **
3)     Woher (發音Wo-her) = where from
4)     Wohin (發音Wo-hin)= where go to
5)     Wie = how
6)     Wer (發音有點像where)= who
7)     Wann = when
8)     Wenn = if / when (與英文的“when”一樣, wenn 不是疑問句, 但因寫法與 wann近似, 所以在這一起講。)
9)     Warum (發音Wa-rum) = why
10)   Welch- = 那一個 = which *** (這個比較複雜, 稍後會另外講解)

例句應用 :
1)     Was = what
Was ist das? (What is that?)
Was ist dein Name? (What is your name?)

2)     Wo = where
Wo bist du? (Where are you?)
Wo ist Deutschland? (Where is Germany?)

3)     Woher = where from
Woher kommst du? (Where are you from?)
Woher kommen Sie? (Where are you from? In formal way)

4)     Wohin = where to go
Wohin gehest du? (Where are you going to?)
Wohin fahren wir? (Where are we driving to?)

5)     Wie = how
Wie ist dein Holiday? (How is your holiday?)
Wie heißen Sie? (What is your name? formal)

6)     Wer = who
Wer sind du? (Who are you?)
Wer hat Geld? (Who has money?)

7)     Wann = when (一般用於與時間有關的句子)
Wann kommt der Zug? (When will the train come?)
Wann start das Konzert? (When start the concert?)

8)     Wenn = if /when (如英文的when,可解作"如果","當"...eg "當"我上班的時候)
Wenn hast du Geld? (when will you have money?)
Wenn hat er Zeit? (when will he has time?)
Wenn ich Hunger habe, esse ich Hamburger. (when I am hungry, I eat hamburger.) ** (在這個情況Wenn不用作發問, 用作假設性即"如果/當", 例如"我上肚餓, 我會吃漢堡飽", 稍後會另外講解)

9)     Warum = why
Warum bin ich hier? (why am I here?)
Warum habe ich ein Hund? (why do I have a dog?)

10)     Welch- = which (在h-後面的尾音會因應問句所連接的名詞的性別而改變成 -e, -er, -es, -en, -em)
Welcher Pullover? (Which sweater?)
Welches Hemd? (Which shirt?)
Welche Bluse? (Which blouse?)
Welche Schuhe? (Which shoes?)

Welch- 與以上問W-Fragewörter 不一樣的地方是, 它有格式之分, 需視乎情況將字尾變化為 Akkusativ / Dativ.
eg   mit Welcherm Zug fährst du nach Hause.

關於Akkusativ / Dativ 以後會再講解。

December 30, 2013

賊 The Painting Named Thief

賊  The Painting Named Thief

Once upon a time, there was a young painter lived in a small narrow house, he was living by painting portraits before he became famous.

One day, a rich man asked the young painter to paint a portrait for him and agreed to pay 10,000 dollars to the young painter.

After a week, the portrait was done. The rich man came to take the painting as agreed. At this moment, the rich man came up an evil idea of bullying the unknown young painter, so he refused to pay the remuneration.

The rich man thought, "This is my portrait, who will buy it other than me. So, I dont need to pay so much for my portrait." He said to the young painter, "I will only pay 3,000 dollars to buy this painting."

The young artist was stunned, he had never come across such things. He strongly argued on just grounds, he is expecting the rich man to abide by the agreement and to be a trustworthy man. But it was no use.

"I would only pay 3,000 dollars" said the rich man. This is your last chance, "3,000 dollar, to sell it or not?"

The young artist knew the rich man deliberately went back on his word, so he felt indignant. He said in a firmly, "No. I would prefer not to sell the painting rather than to be humiliated by you. Today you break your words and someday you must pay back in 20 times." 

The rich man looked very disdain and said, "kidding me, 20 times? I would not pay 200,000 dollars to buy this portrait."

"Well, we'd better wait and see!" the young artist said to the rich man who left angrily.

A dozen years later, the young painter finally blazed a new way and became famous in the circle of art. 

那個富人呢? 自從離開畫室後,第二天就把畫家的畫和話淡忘了。
That rich man had forgot his words with the young painter on the next day.

One day, the rich man was been told by his friends that there was a painting named "Thief" in the exhibition of paintings. It is so ridiculous that the painting of "Thief" look alike him.’  

The rich man seem remembered something about ten years ago. It hurts him so much. The rich man had quickly apologized to the artist and pay 2000,000 dollars to buy back the portrait. 

這個年輕人名叫 - 畢卡索。
This is the end of the story. The name of this young artist was - Pablo Picasso.

This gives us a revelation: "do not be discouraged and frustrated, no one can humiliating you and beat you, except yourself."