November 2, 2014

淺談德國五星級茶 【Ronnefeldt Teavelope】

德國頂級茶 Ronnefeldt

德國 Ronnefeldt 公司早於1823年可說是戰前已經成立, 在歐洲超過191年的歷史。Ronnefeldt 茶葉主要來自非洲、印度、日本、中國大陸、斯里蘭卡和匈牙利等盛產茶葉的國家。Ronnefeldt 為了保持茶的品質和香味, 茶葉全部以特殊的手工烘培技術烘培, 不添加防腐劑, 烘培時間較長, 但較能保存天然茶香, Teavelope 茶包更採用防潮式獨立包裝,

Ronnefeldt Teavelope 是受全球五星級酒店推崇的頂級品質茶包。在德國、歐洲及亞洲地區只有五星級酒店、高級茶葉專賣店或高級餐廳才能品嚐得到。

茶包的回沖次數比一般進口茶包多, 每種茶款都有各自的沖泡方式和時間, 而沖泡資料都印在原盒頂部及個別茶包的吊牌上。現時 Ronnefeldt Teavelope 有21款口味, 除了經典英式早茶及紅茶外還有各種花茶和香草茶, 自由配搭各式茶點品嘗或閒時一杯茗閒情, 都是非常值得推薦品嘗的好茶。

以下是 Ronnefeldt Teavelope 21款茶包的介紹, 先重點介紹個人很喜歡的五款。


Ronnefeldt Teavelope Lemon Sky 25 x 2g 


芳香型果茶, 含檸檬草、檸檬皮、蘋果、野玫瑰果皮、甜味歐洲黑莓葉及烘焙茶苣根等

The fruity explosion of freshness: lively, refreshing and lemony with lemon juice and lemon grass. 

( 聞:清新檸檬香 味:微酸 ) 

香港人都很喜歡喝檸檬茶, 這款 Lemon Sky 一沖泡出來就是無糖檸檬茶, 而且還是綠茶。很適合上班族在公司泡來喝, 很方便不用另外切檸檬~


Ronnefeldt Teavelope Camomile 25 x 1,5g 

A relaxing and soothing herbal infusion with the typical tartly aromatic aroma of camomile. 

( 聞:清淡甘菊香 味:微甘 ) 

野菊花茶, 平常在家沒事就泡來喝, 清熱氣, 適合一年四季喝的好花茶


Ronnefeldt Teavelope Rooibos Vanilla 25 x 1,5g 

如意博意香草茶 (南非路依保斯香草茶)

芳香型香草茶, 含如意博士果

Sweetly creamy vanilla accentuates the rich flavour of this South African herbal infusion. 

( 聞:香草及紅茶香 味:微甘 )

個人不太喜歡喝紅茶或濃茶, 但這個味道不一樣, 不知道怎麼說, 很香的雲呢拿(香草)味, 就是很順口, 連不太喜歡紅茶和濃茶的我都喜歡上了~


Ronnefeldt Teavelope Winterdream 25 x 1,5g 


芳香型香草紅茶, 帶橙和焦糖風味。含桂皮、橙皮、丁香花乾及甜味歐洲黑莓葉

Rich rooibos with the powerful aroma of winter spices, creamy caramel and oranges. 

( 聞:混雜百草香 味:微甜, 很適合聖誕 ) 

真的如名字一樣, 很適合冬天喝, 可能是因為丁香和肉桂味道的關係吧, 邊喝邊覺感到時空交錯以為已經到了聖誕節~


Ronnefeldt Teavelope Peppermint 25 x 2g 



An easy-to-drink herbal infusion full of relaxation and freshness. 

( 聞:清新薄荷香 味:微甘 )

薄荷在歐洲被視為治感冒的天然良藥, 歐洲人感冒時都喜歡在家泡薄荷茶喝喝再找醫生, 幾乎每個歐洲家庭都有一盒看門口, 當然我們家也不例外, 這個感冒喝真的很好, 清新的薄荷味, 喝下又可舒緩不適

以下的排名不分先後, 因為我都有間著在喝

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Caramel Peach 25 x 1,5g 



A full-bodied peach aroma tinged with exquisite, sweet caramel and melded with a lively black tea. 

( 聞:香桃芳香 味:微酸 )  

超香的桃香味很受女士歡迎 (天然香料, 不是香精)

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Red Berries 25 x 2,5g 


芳香型果茶, 帶草莓及樹莓口味。含蘋果、扶桑花及野玫瑰果皮

Sweet and sour Strawberry and Raspberry bring the fruity pleasures of summer to this fruit infusion. 

( 聞:水菓香 味:微酸 ) 

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Earl Grey 25 x 1,5g 


芳香型紅茶, 帶佛手柑風味。

A strong and intensive Darjeeling tea with the fresh aroma of lemons. 

( 聞:淡淡紅茶香 味:微甘 ) 

Ronnefeldt Teavelope English Breakfast 25 x 1,5g 



A typical, dark Ceylon tea with a tart and sparkling flavour. 

( 聞:香草及紅茶香 味:微甘 )

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Rose Hip 25 x 3g (Organic) 


芳香型有機花果茶, 含野玫瑰果皮及木槿

A classic fruit infusion, finely balanced with sun-ripened rose hips and refreshingly aromatic hibiscus. 

( 聞:清幽玫瑰香 味:微酸 ) 

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Mountain Herbs 25 x 1,5g 


香草花茶, 含檸檬草、黑莓葉、桂皮、橙皮、茴香、茴芹及綠薄荷等

A herbal infusion with rooibos and the refreshing note of lemon grass. 

( 聞:淡淡香草香 味:微甘 ) 

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Sweet Ginger 25 x 2g 


果茶和香料茶, 含蘋果、薑、甜味歐洲黑莓葉等

Fruit infusion with mixed spices and ginger, mildly sweet and sour flavour of fruit.

( 聞:水菓香 味:微酸 )

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Darjeeling 25 x 1,5g 


紅茶  * 產地為受保護地區

A delicious summer quality tea from the highlands of the Himalayas with a richly flowery and mature aroma. * protected geographical indication

( 聞:大吉嶺紅茶香 味:微甘 ) 

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Assam 25 x 1,5g 


Black Tea

A typical summer plucking from Assam - strong, malty, spicy and highly aromatic. 

( 聞:香草及紅茶香 味:微甘 ) 

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Silver Lime Blossom 25 x 1,5g 



Delicate blossoms with the mild and creamy sweetness of honey - relaxing and aromatic with essential oils. 

( 聞:清淡花香 味:微甘 )  


Ronnefeldt Teavelope Green Angel 25 x 1,5g (Organic) 

綠色天使 (有機) 

芳香型有機綠茶, 帶梨子和桃子風。

A delicately tart, flavoured organic green tea with a fresh pear and peach aroma. 

( 聞:綠茶香 味:微甘 )

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Classic Green 25 x 1,5g (Organic) 

經典綠茶 (有機) 


Classic green tea with a fresh, grassy and mildly tart note, melded with a subtle sweetness. 

( 聞:綠茶香 味:微甘 )

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Jasmine Tea 25 x 1,5g 



Delicate jasmine petals diffuse their fragrance over a China green tea harvested in the summer. 

( 聞:苿莉花香 味:微甘 )

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Verbena 25 x 1,7g 

馬鞭草茶 (美女櫻) 


An unusual herbal infusion with many essential oils and the fine taste of lemons. 

( 聞:淡淡青草香 味:微甘 )

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Decaffeinated 25 x 1,5g 



A lively tea, gently decaffeinated for that light and enjoyable but full flavour cup of tea. 

( 聞:紅茶香 味:微甘 )

Ronnefeldt Teavelope Fennel 25 x 2,5g (Organic) 

小茴香 (有機) 


A feel-good herbal infusion, full of aroma with the characteristic, mildly sweet flavour of fennel. 

( 聞:茴香 味:微甘 )

包裝方面 :
帶芳香密封薄膜的 Ronnefeldt Teavelope : 正宗羅納菲特產品。這層包圍著茶包的特殊薄膜為你確保高品質茶的獨特口味。
The original from Ronnefeldt. The tea bag's special film wrap protectes the individual flavour of this exquisite tea. 

All Teavelope tea bags are packaged in a sachet made of eco-friendly film. This sachet is sealed to keep fragrance and flavour in and moisture out so the tea can retain the fine nuances nature endowed it with. 
The filter paper is large-pored so the leaves are completely immersed and the string is knotted without any metal clips. 

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